Budget Hearing Nov 7 5:30 pm
adopted _____________ 2025 INCOME" 2025 Expenses 2025 Building permits 0 Cemetery 500 Cemetery Income 0 Dog License 400 Computer Aid 5 Equipment Fund 38,300 Div/Int/Refunds 0 Equipment New 5,000 Dog Licenses 93 Financial Admin 13,500 DOR WI Shared Rev 110,820 Fire & Rescue 31,000 DOT Aid Income 160,541 Fire Dues 2% 3,000 FEMA & State Exp aid 0 Gen Bldg Repair 1,840 Bridge Aid 0 Gen Adm 12,500 Fire Tax 2% 3,000 Hwy Maint 124,000 Grant County misc 0 Insurance all 16,000 Grant Cnty Rd Aid 0 Interest Expense 0 Hall Rent 1,000 Legislative 11,500 Interest 1,000 MFL 230 Licenses 0 Misc 100 Lottery Credit 0 Recycling 12,500 Managed forest 60 Road Cons. 1.5% inc 202,000 Private work 1,000 Street lights 2,400 Misc IncomeProp sold 0 Park & Hall exp 1,000 Recycling 1,000 Trash costs 6,500 U of W Farm 258 Payroll Taxes 0 Personal Property 200 TOTAL EXPENSES 482,270 Personal Property aid 343 Pers Prop Act 12 aid 48 TOTAL INCOME 279,368 Total Expenses 482,270 Total Income 279,368 Total Budget 202,902 DOR LEVY LIMIT 202,902 Adopt a Resolution to exceed the levy limit Over LEVY Limit 0 At the October meeting. 2025 Budget 202,902 Present it at the November Budget hearing Total % increase of 0.000000%