Agendas and MinutesApril Agenda


 .   Monthly meetings are usually held on the 1st Thursday after the

                1st  Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. Please contact a

              board member if you need to address a problem at the meeting.


.  Call to order/ Proof of Posting/Members, Residents present

.   Resident’s time to voice concerns and requests

.  Questions for Patrolman/Report of problems

            Review of Patrolmen weekly accomplishments.

.  Presentation and approval of monthly bills.

.   Treasurer’s Report

.   Reading and approval of last month’s minutes 

.   Other Business that may have been brought to the attention of a board


.   Budget Year to Date figures

.   Set the date and time for the next monthly meeting

.   Adjournment:  Time _____________

            Please visit our website for up-to-date information on agenda’s, meetings, minutes, hall reservations and much more.

Showing 1-2 of 2 Results for November 2024

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Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Minutes
November board meeting - 2024-11-07 Agenda Meeting Minutes
Budget Hearing, Electors mtg, Special Board mtg - 2024-11-07
adopted _____________ 2025  
INCOME" 2025 Expenses 2025
Building permits 0 Cemetery 500
Cemetery Income 0 Dog License 400
Computer Aid 5 Equipment Fund 38,300
Div/Int/Refunds 0 Equipment New 5,000
Dog Licenses  93 Financial Admin 13,500
 DOR WI Shared Rev 110,820 Fire & Rescue 31,000
DOT Aid Income 160,541 Fire Dues 2% 3,000
FEMA & State Exp aid 0 Gen Bldg Repair 1,840
Bridge Aid 0 Gen Adm 12,500
Fire Tax 2% 3,000 Hwy Maint 124,000
Grant County misc 0 Insurance all 16,000
Grant Cnty Rd Aid 0 Interest Expense 0
Hall Rent 1,000 Legislative 11,500
Interest 1,000 MFL 230
Licenses 0 Misc 100
Lottery Credit 0 Recycling 12,500
Managed forest 60 Road Cons. 1.5% inc 202,000
Private work 1,000 Street lights 2,400
Misc IncomeProp sold 0 Park & Hall exp 1,000
Recycling 1,000 Trash costs 6,500
U of W Farm 258 Payroll Taxes 0
Personal Property 200 TOTAL EXPENSES 482,270
Personal Property aid 343
Pers Prop Act 12 aid 48
TOTAL INCOME 279,368 Total Expenses 482,270
Total Income 279,368
Total Budget 202,902
Adopt a Resolution to exceed the levy limit Over LEVY Limit 0
At the October meeting. 2025 Budget 202,902
Present it at the November Budget hearing Total % increase of 0.000000%